Reiki for Health Reiki (pronounced ray-key) means Life Force Energy. It is thousands of years old and is practiced by thousands of people all over the world. It is an absolutely safe and very powerful way of healing. Reiki is a system which uses energy to bring all parts of the body and mind into harmony so that they can work together to heal. The energy which is all around us is channelled by the Reiki practitioner into the client by placing their hands on or near the body in different positions. A session can last up to an hour and generally gives a feeling of tranquillity. Reiki works alongside any treatment or medication you may be taking without interfering with it. Reiki can improve your health and help you with: stress migraine injuries pain reduction improving immunity depression trauma and grief skin conditions arthritis living with chronic conditions anxiety tiredness sleeplessness concentration conflict change relationships low self esteem mental or emotional healing pre/post surgery
"Each of us can make a difference to our own health" 1 HOUR OF REIKI - £40 • DISTANT REIKI - £20 CONTACT ME TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT If you cannot travel I can do distant Reiki or I may be able to come to your home. There would be an extra charge for a home visit depending on the distance.
SEE ALL RECOMMENDATIONS reduce recovery time
© 2015-2016 Morag Donald • Reiki Master & Teacher • Designed by Francesca Frezza Follow me on